Adoption Answers
Speak to a caring professional now by calling the
National Adoption Answer Line at 1-800-923-6602.
Adoption Answers
What is an Open or semi open adoption?
Why Choose Adoption?
What ever your decision is, you are ultimately going to be the primary caregiver and the person that will need to take care of your child. This can be a sacrifice for many years to come. Some women are ready for this commitment, and many women realize the time is not right for them to parent and that adoption is the most sensible and most important decision they will make for their child and their future.
Are there any costs to me?
What if I go into labor and have not made an adoption plan?
How do I know this is a safe family for my child?
What if my child is older, can I make an adoption plan?
There are loving families seeking children of all ages and races. Just call the National Adoption Answer Line at 1-800-923-6602. They will work hard to find just the right family for you to interview for the adoption. You will be able to decide on the contact you wish after the placement.
What if my child has a disability or a medical problem, are there adoptive families available? I don't want to put my child into foster care.
My baby will be African American are there black families seeking to adopt?
There are also adoptive families hoping to adopt an East Indian, Hispanic, or bi-racial baby or child. To learn more, visit,, or